Storchenbeisl Purbach
In the restaurant "Storchenbeisl" in Purbach, the focus is on regional cuisine. You can order à la carte or opt for the daily lunch menu. On the two cozy terraces, you will be indulged in a relaxed atmosphere with a variety of culinary delights.
NEW - visit Storchenbeisl on and on Google Street View
Storchenbeisl Purbach - Route
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us under 02683/5538-0 or write an e-mail to
A = Gluten (wheat, barley, oats, etc.) (*)
B = Crustaceans (Crustaceans) (*) C = egg(s) (*)
D = fish (fishes) (*)
E = peanut (peanuts) (*)
F = soy (soybeans) (*)
G = milk (milk from mammals) (*) H = Nuts (nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios) (*)
L = celery (*)
M = mustard (*)
N = sesame (*)
O = sulfites (sulfites, sulfur dioxide) (*)
P = lupins (*)
R = molluscs (mussels, oysters) (*) (*) products made from it